Thursday, August 28, 2008

Which are you?

There are many of us. We are called brains/noggins/minds... I am an Über-brain. That means I am all here, most of the time, and that my habitual thinking and conversing methods change according to the circumstance. Above your garden variety of craniums. There are five main types of brains, which are listed in order of randomness.

#1: Rototiller.
Identified by the odd noises that accompany hard thinking. Usually the odd noises are something along the grammar of "um" (or "uh"). The eyes tend to swivel around a bit. Usually comes out with an answer to a quizzitory question, it just takes 'em a while. The answer may or may not be correct, but the Roto' will be certain that it is, regardless of all facts presented to them otherwise.

#2: Diving board.
Tends to be a springoff-er. Grabs the idea you bring up and flies off with it, to heaven knows where. And you might not want to be there when they hit the water. Upon asking a D-board a factual inquiry, you will have the pleasure (or unpleasure) of seeing your original intent hoisted to such heights as to be not only un-identifiable, but wholly resembling an alien with a blown up floaty. You can be certain in advance if you see them thinking for a long time about nothing: they are coming up with ways to extend the thoughts of others to new records.

#3 : One way road.
Ever feel like if you talk to someone, that you always end up talking about the same topic as you have for the last 500 conversations?This is because either your brain or theirs is so locked on to something that your discourse is doomed to flow one way. Usually that way is down into the depths of dumbness, rather than the heavens of high-class. And NO.... You can never be a one way to high class.

#4: Über-brain.
Personified by its lack of adverse personifiableness. Regardless of the method, this sort tries to control the details of just about everything in a conversations (control is good, right?). They do well with Rotos' and One Ways, but are often bested by D-boards. They do well impromptu, but against long studied opinions (dogma) they tend to get a bit tetchy.

#5: Generic responders.
Possibly the worse. Every query, statement, thought, sentence, and diatribe, is replied to with the same couple of answers, regardless of the import of the situation. "Hm, you don't say?", "Huh?", "so?", " I dunno...", "I have a headache". You may notice that all of these either instantly put the focus back on you, or they simply dismiss you (or attempt to do so).

NOTE: very few individuals can determine their own brain type, but it is usually EXTREMELY easy to determine the type of some other person, particularly if you have talked to them for at least two minutes.
I delegate to your friends/family/co -workers to figure what type of brain you have...

P.S I leave to you the decision of whether this is humor or help.

Friday, August 22, 2008

It's simple, really.

Have you ever been in a situation in which you were on the receiving end of information, concerning how a certain thing or idea works? ( I know you have... So don't you dare think otherwise). How about on the giving end? I am sure that you are aware of the easy mistakes that can occur in the transferring of instructions or knowledge. Let us say that you have told somebody (whether a sibling, friend or anyone) to do something. And let us also pretend that you told them how to do it.

"Jerk on the cord till it starts, Fred".

You realize sometime (usually sooner than later) that something has gone horribly wrong. In this case "Fred" is holding the starting cord for your brand new boat engine. He is also looking at you, aghast that you would buy such a cheap model. You cant tell whether you ought to be upset at yourself for not being clear, or Fred for being so thick. You take it calmly at first.

"Oh no, Fred, since you dropped the paddles last trip this means we will have to find some way to get help. I never noticed that the lake shore looks so far away. Didn't I tell you that jerk implies stopping once you feel that t is not supposed to go further? No? I didn't? I guess I assumed that you weren't a Complete Idiot."

You then proceed to belabor your resident imbecile into pulp with snide, caustic, and pitiful remarks, over the next four hours that it takes you to paddle to shore, using a cooler lid.
There is of course, a point of view quite different. That of the confused Info-receiver. But that can wait for another time...

Monday, August 11, 2008

When to frag out...

Yes. Back to the subject of video games.

I think that there are few things so embarrassing in a combat game, as dieing with grenades in your inventory. Aside from being sniped or spawn camped you have no excuse for this travesty. You have all the wonderful orbs of death that you COULD have casted in the general direction of your foe (s). You would be surprised at how many chance kills you can get from this. I will include a video of some good ones at the end of this post.
Within the first 20 seconds of spawning into a zone were there/could be enemy presence within throwing range you should unleash your grenades immediately. There are exceptions to this of course. If you are not trying to reveal your situation then you should only throw when doing so does not give you away. If you happen to sea an enemy the FIRST thing you should do if he is NOT shooting at you is to start throwing. Sometimes even if they are gunning for you the best thing is to hope for a kill from the grave. The WORST mindset is that you are saving your explosives up for a good easy kill. You will not usually come across a good easy kill. Your grenades are there to make a hard opponent a little easier.
The purpose of a grenade is not only to blow people/vehicles up. They can be used to defend a position for an EXTREMELY short time. If someone sees your grenade fly into a room they will usually not enter the room until they see/hear it blow up. Thus for the duration of the time that they are waiting the position is being held by the grenade. you can use this to funnel and direct your opponents into going were you want them to go.

NOTE: There is some kinda annoying/fuzzy music playing in the background of this video. Turn down your speakers now if you have a reason to.